4 Stars · Asian · Asian Grilling - Su-Mei Yu · Pork Satay · Pork Tenderloin

Chinese BBQ – Char Siew. Pork Tenderloin

Char Siew even sounds BBQ esque. I had to sound it out a few times and sent out a few yaks while grilling it and throwing on some marinade.

It was great. The flavors and nuanced aromas that emanated from the backyard I’m sure awoke some of my neighbors out of their routine.

The kidos couldn’t wait to try it, even proclaimed they loved it before the first bite. They were spot on.

Served on Jasmine rice. Salad was to follow but we were overcome with satiety that we decided it could wait till tomorrow.

The accompanying chili and soy sambal proved too much for me. I’m a wimp when it comes to joules, but the wife enjoyed. Bring on the heat for her.

A Thai peanut side sauce and sweet pepper sauce is a must next time for me.

From Asian Grilling  – Su-Mei Yu – San Diego’s Saffron Thai Restaurant.

4 stars

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